Avoiding Plagiarism

What is copyright, plagiarism and Fair Use?


Copyright is when someone has created something and now has the rights to it. They are allowed to reproduce the work if desired. Copyright is to protect the product that the person has created, this only protects the product that has been produced not the idea. If someone using the product and uses it as their own that would be illegal to use it in that way. 


Plagiarism is when someone takes something they did not create and say it is their own. Taking someone else product or idea is plagiarism because you did not do the work you stole the work and used it for your own good. Always use your own ideas if it is something you want to call your own. If it is not your work then you must reference where you got it from. 

Fair Use:

Fair use is a law in the United States that limits the use of Copywrite products. I order to use something that you did not create you must get permission from the one who created it. If you use it without permission you are breaking the law. Always ask for permission to use a product that is not yours. 

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Videos about copyright, plagiarism, and fair use:


Understanding Copyright, Public Domain, and Fair Use




Avoiding Plagiarism



Fair Use:

Copyright and Fair Use Animation









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Resourses for Citing sources:

Here is a link that will help you when you need to cite a source. Whether it needs to be in APA, MLA, or Chicago this site will help cite the source for you. 


Citation Machine



Internet Resources: 


Copyright Alliance




What is Plagiarism



Fair use:

What is Fair Use?






Image result for fair use



Understanding Copyright, Public Domain, and Fair Use. (2018, September 17). Retrieved from https://youtu.be/XzzkSZ0Jrko.


Avoiding Plagiarism. (2018, September 13). Retrieved from https://youtu.be/PzZsButRaHs.


Copyright and Fair Use Animation. (2014, September 5). Retrieved from https://youtu.be/suMza6Q8J08.


What is Copyright: Copyright FAQs answering all your copyright questions. (2019, October 10). Retrieved from https://copyrightalliance.org/ca_faq_post/what-is-copyright/.


What is Plagiarism? (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.plagiarism.org/article/what-is-plagiarism.


Stim, R., & Stim, R. (2017, April 11). What Is Fair Use? Retrieved from https://fairuse.stanford.edu/overview/fair-use/what-is-fair-use/.